Hunt Contest
Our latest contest is a scavenger hunt for hidden code words spread all around the various 3XO-related content all over the internet. Can you find them all to win special in-game prizes?
How It Works
There are 5 code words hidden throughout the internet. We won't say exactly where, so you'll have to look everywhere.
The first person to find a code word will win a special in-game cosmetic item. Each code word grants a different prize.
The first five people to find all five code words will each win all of the prizes. This means you are welcome to work together to find them all. Or keep your secrets to yourself, if you wish.
Additionally, everyone who participates in the Hunt, regardless of if they found anything or not, will receive 500 Xcoin - a $5 value - when the game launches. But only if all five code words are found! (Note: the exact amount, 500, might change, but it will be a $5 value no matter what.)
To be counted as a participant in this Hunt, simply go to the Discord server, find the post in the Contests channel, and click the emoji reaction to be granted the Hunter role.
A Note On Difficulty and Clues
Some of these code words are fairly easy to spot, if you have a keen eye. However, some of the code words are hidden extremely well, as us devs happen to have a lot of experience with scavenger hunt ARG games like this.
Don't be too discourage though! Over time, if a code word isn't found, we will give out hints. We'll start with small hints at first, then progress to bigger hints over time. Eventually, though, the hints will stop and you'll have to use the information available to find the code words.
Ready? Let the Hunt begin!