Character Editor Version 2
After a long wait, the Character Editor Demo has finally been updated! It now has almost all the features that will be in the full game. You can download it now and test out all the wonderful new features and customizations! Download link is at the end of this post, or find it on Steam.
Version 2 - Updated
This new "Version 2" of the Character Editor is the final version of the Demo, but the Character Editor itself will still be updated before the full release of 3XO.
This updated version includes just about all the features that will be included in the full game. Read on the learn what these new features are.
What's New?
In addition to the hundreds of advanced shaping options that Version 1 of the demo had to offer, you can now customize your character with the following features:
- Base Shape Presets for Head and Body
- Skin Color and Textures
- Hair Styles and Hair Colors
- Eye Color
- Makeup!
- Tattoos!
- Save & Load Updates
Head and Body Presets
A lot of you tested Version 1 of the demo and you gave us a lot of feedback! One of the most common bits of feedback was that there were far too many advanced shaping options and it was overwhelming for some users. That was to be expected. We always planned on having "base" preset shapes for the Head and Body, so that you could have an attractive character with just one click, and not need to mess with any of those more expert-level shaping options.
Well, the base shape presets are now available! We chose some of our favorite DAZ 3D models and included them in the demo. With just one click, you can set your body to be that of a muscular hunk or a sexy femme fatale.
You can choose to use a full Preset Head or full Preset Face, or leave it as the default shape. This is what we call the "Basic Tier" of customization. It's good for people who just want to pick a good-looking body or face and just get into the game.
It is highly recommended that players stick with these "base" shape presets, and maybe the individual shape presets for things like Ears, Nose, etc. Tweaking the hundreds of advanced shape sliders is only for the most patient and careful of players.
Skin Color and Texture
Now you can create your character to truly represent yourself and your ethnicity by choosing from dozens of gorgeous 4K skin textures, or manually adjusting the color of your skin. Selecting a skin texture will automatically apply a color to your character's genitalia to match the chosen skin texture, but you can adjust it yourself if necessary.
Hair Styles and Colors
You can now choose from a handful of beautiful and cool hair styles, as well as change the color of your hair and add some dye to it!
Note: We only included a small amount of hair styles in this demo. Many more will be added throughout the Alpha and Beta testing phases. We will also be expanding on the dye system before launch, to allow you to add multiple dye colors and change the pattern/direction of the dye.
Eye Color
No more bright cyan eyes! Now you can have whatever eye color you desire - even separate colors for each eye! The demo is limited to just colors, but the full game will have some even fancier eyes that have different textures/shapes and glowing effects.
Tired of having such a plain face? Spice it up with some fun makeup effects, including:
- Eyeliner
- Eyeshadow
- Blush
- Highlighter
- Lipstick
Each option also allows you to customize the Color, Opacity, Shine, and Metallic-ness of the makeup.
As with the hair, many more options will be added throughout Alpha and Beta.
Now your character can show off some badass ink! Add tattoos to your Torso, Arms, Legs, or Face. And customize the Color (or use the color included in the tattoo itself), Opoacity, Shine, and Metallic-ness of each tattoo!
Note: We actually went back and forth about whether or not to include the tattoos in this update. We want to improve on the system. Currently, there's only one "slot" per body part (torso, arm, etc.). We want to add more slots to place tattoos, but certain tattoos that are "sleeves" and cover up larger areas were being troublesome. So for now, the "slots" are limited, but we'll expand on it in the future. And of course, we'll be adding soooo many more tattoo designs over time.
Save & Load Updates
Ever designed an awesome outfit and wanted to share it with your friends, but you don't want to share your entire character's customization including all the head and body settings? Well now you can save a specific section of settings! You can now save your Full Character, or only the Head, Body, or Outfit settings separately!
Note: This is an experimental system and might be changed or updated in the future. We know many of you want to be able to use your save files from this demo in the full game, and we're going to do our best to achieve that, but things might change too much between now and full launch. At the very least, the save files from this demo will work in Alpha 1.
Known Issues
Below is a list of currently known issues, which will be fixed throughout testing and leading up to full launch.
Some of the shaping options in the Waist section break the genitalia.
This problem has persisted from the initial version of the demo. We know how to fix it, it's just very tedious and time-consuming.
Why can't I change my Eyebrows or Eyelashes?
Currently, the Eyebrows are tied to the chosen skin texture. That's just the way the texture files work. In the future, we will be separating the Eyebrows from the Skin, allowing you to choose whichever eyebrows you want. As for Eyelashes, we haven't decided how we want to handle those yet. There's no real "standard" way that Eyelashes work with DAZ assets. Some are simple textures, some are 3D meshes, and some should even be Grooms when converted to Unreal Engine. Once we figure out how we want to handle eyelashes, that customization will be added to the game.
A Note on Performance
Please note: There is absolutely no performance optimization in this demo! We want to see how this demo performs on various PC specs without any optimizations, so we can get a rough idea of how much optimization we'll need to do in the future. It seems to run fine if you have an nVidia 2070 or better, but if you're using a 1650 or something lesser, then you should expect it to lag a bit. If you do experience performance issues, please let us know what your hardware specs are!
Most of the performance drain comes from the ultra high quality hair we're currently using. This hair, known as "Groom" hair in UE, is notorious for being bad on performance, but it looks amazing. We plan on using this type of hair through Alpha 1, and then we may need to change it for something else if it proves to be too much for performance.
Another big hit to performance in this updated demo is a lot more textures being loaded in. If your GPU doesn't have a lot of VRAM, it could struggle. Again, we haven't done any performance optimization yet. So don't worry too much if your PC is struggling currently. Performance will get much better during Beta testing.
To celebrate the release of this demo, we have three fun contests planned for our community! The first two, we did for the first version of the demo. They were so much fun, we decided to do them again!
The first contest will be to Create the Most Attractive Character. Whether you're going for a beautiful face or a sexy body, show us how gorgeous you can make your character!
The second contest will be to Create the Ugliest Character. We want you to break shit! Crank those shaping sliders to extreme values and show us the ugliest abomination you can conjure up!
The third contest will be to Create a Celebrity Look-a-Like! Whoever can make their character look like a famous movie star (or fictional character) will win some cool prizes!
The first contest begins now! Start creating your most attractive character and then post it on our Discord in the thread in the Events channel. This contest will last 7 days. 3 lucky winners will receive 5,000 Revs when 3XO launches!
Let's goooo - Download Here! (Or download on Steam!)
To install, simply unzip the file and run the exe. If it asks you to install prerequisites, then do so - you might need to restart your PC after.
Note - To enter/exit Full Screen, just hit F11. To exit the demo, you can hit F11 and close it, or hit ALT + F4. Some jackass (me) forgot to add the Exit button in the demo UI... again...